Green Thumb Storyboard

A few things have happened since the last post.

1) I completed the Intro to UI/UX course. It felt a little weird not going to class last Saturday after doing it for six weeks, but I will say it was nice to sleep in a bit.

2) I went a little too far with the final project. Classmates of mine completed three screens of a high-fidelity prototype and I ended up doing much more than that. You’ll see this in an upcoming post.

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User Personas - Green Thumb 2019

Taking a break from our not so regularly scheduled programming to pop in with this post.

A few weeks ago I started taking a course that I have wanted to take for the last year. It’s an introductory course to UI/UX. I’m not only learning a lot and noticing that what I have learned on my own over the last year and a half is clicking, but I’m really enjoying it.

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