#035 - Blog Post

I’m proud of myself for this one. Every time I look at the final image, I give myself a pat on the back, as corny as that sounds.

Today’s blog post designed was based on Satchel Stone, the fictional accessory company I made up ran by two sisters named Malia and Sasha. (Shout out to the Obama girls.) The blog post is from Malia’s perspective, and it turns out Satchel Stone has seen an increase in online orders over the last couple of months. It’s a nice surprise, which means that they are able to keep their small staff employed instead of having to lay anyone off.

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#026 - Subscription

It’s been a while since I did anything related to Satchel Stone, so I thought that creating an email subscription pop up would be a terrific idea. Malia and Lauren have been missed!

Yes, I have chosen names for the sisters. I figured it might be wise to think of their needs in terms of any other potential Satchel Stone related things coming up.

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